Sunday, April 28, 2013

The many faces of Joey

Joey has a lot of nicknames. Joey bean, Joey Elmo (Charlie's contribution), Joe Joe Joey Shabadoo, Mr. Shabadoo, Joey Joe get the picture. And he has many expressions to match.

 Yes, you will notice the sweet potatoes on his face. Unlike Charlie, he likes sweet potatoes and yams equally. Please don't report us to the public health nurses who equate feeding a child solids before 6 months is like giving them a cigarette and bottle full of tequila.

He really like carrots.

As much as Joey likes Charlie, sometimes he looks less than impressed.

And yes, it has been over 5 months since he was born!

And no surprise, guess who insisted we celebrate with cake?

1 comment:

  1. Great skyping with you all. I had a fast "Down by the Bay" from Charlie plus a picture he drew of me or a very good likeness.

    Joey only spit up twice while on Skype. He looks very adorable as the above pictures ascertain. Love the one of him eating carrots and Charlie waiting patiently to blow the candles and have some cake.
