Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Steph the stay at home mom with full time nanny

I believe Steph the "stay at home mom with full time nanny" should put more effort into the blog.
So she agreed to upload, I will add comments.

Three amigos in the pool.
I am somewhat taken aback by the lack of Steffy pics.
I will improve the ratio.

Charlie wants to be a Gargoyle when he growed up.

Charlie needs to work on his form.

Notice "good" parents playing nicely with their bebes.


Charlie can float on his back.

For like 0.2 seconds.  Sinks like a stone. 

Pops made the critters a new chair.
Charlie quickly hustled it into HIS room
So much for sharing.

Mom and Tot posing in front of a sunset. 

Resort was nice...weather amazing.

Charlie doing who knows what.

Sunburnt Greasy Likely Drunk Ukrainian with Joe.

Lounging on his floaty in the pool.
He cried soooooo much when we left the floaty behind
Steph promised him he could visit it next year.
Talk about setting difficult expectations.
And Charlie will remember.  Oh yes, he will remember.

Airplane antics.

I was shocked...people behind us said we had the best bebe on flight they ever have witnessed.

Joe is a good bebe.  Charlie/Dada were a mess.  We get bored quick.

Kick'n Ass!

The spring/winter every 3 hours is getting Charlie down.

He just wants the park back. Without snow.

Who's Dad has the best job on the board?
the rest of Dads look like a bunch of nerdy engineers.


  1. Love the up-date. Thanks and I need to see the video of Charlie swimming again, or Gord throwing his son in the pool.

    Yes, Charlie's comment on what his Daddy does at work is "tooo cute". What are you, the Easter bunny?

  2. Great vacation photos! Charlie as a Gargoyle photo is awesome. The boys with the new chair is super cute too. Man next time we are downtown we are going to visit Uncle Gord at work, Chad doesn't give us chocolates when we visit him at work :(
