Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Photo bomb, Princess and Plane rides

This is Joey at our regular mom and baby exercise class. He is hanging with Farrah, who is not too happy to have Joey on her mat. I like the Photo-bomb at 12 o'clock.

Already beating each other up. Although she has 3 months on him, he weighs the same so she better watch out.

This past weekend we headed out west, to visit the Cooper/Martins. Abby turned 5 and she 'does not love' (Charlie-ism) girl clothes or toys. Don't worry- they were not wasted.

This is Abby's brother Nate who will be a year next month. Handome fellow.

All four kids together. Can I tell you how hard it was to get this photo?

Abby and Charlie making a break for it. Convertible and Vancouver weather not compatible.

Nate and Joey hanging out. Again, can I tell you how difficult it is to get them together for a photo??

oey holding hands with Mamma. 

Before we tried to put him in as checked luggage on the way home.

And final one of the two 'big kids'. Ok, older kids. Charlie outweighs Abby by 5 lbs.


  1. Lovely photo's Steph. Glad you had a good week-end visiting your sister and her family.

    You can tell Nathan and Abby are siblings, they sure do look alike.

    As for our Charlie, I can't believe he squished his fat feet into those slippers. Sooo cute & proud in the skirt and so photogenic in the last pic.

    Joey is sweet in all his pictures, even when hitting a playmate. The photo bomb is cute and innocent.

  2. They were heels not slippers.

    We somehow have a pre-teen girl for a son.
