Tuesday, February 26, 2013

3 months...proof

Charlie with his new, 'fast' haircut.

So, we missed the post on the 17th but we took the picture. I am glad Joey was born on the 17th because it was already one of my roulette numbers; my sister and mother's birthday falling on the 17th. Charlie's falls on the 31st, as does Gord's. Not that these numbers have been particularly lucky.

He is getting some good facial expressions. He is pretending to be Charlie while watching tv.

Neck strength is also improving. Good thing with those heavy Kozak heads.

Here he is just ticked off. Probably because we lost at roulette again.

Speaking of head strength, the re-called bumbo is back. The problem was due to kids jumping out of them. Charlie had to be buttered up and wedged in so it was never a concern.

Boys at play.

Jho and Joe. Ok, Charlie isn't the only Kozak who likes to wear girls clothes.

Eskimo Joe.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post Steph. Joey is "sooo" cute and growing like a weed. Love the photo of your two little boys [if Gord's head was there I'd have said 3 boys]. There is some resemblance between the brothers or it might be their big Kozak heads. Nope, there are some features that are alike...you followed the same recipe....:)
