Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Had some great shots of Charlie and Joey bathing concurrently, but the presence of 'bits' on the internet prevents me from posting. We will save those photos for future weddings.
But both boys love their baths...

This is Joey after the bath. Less happy.

Despite his love of Barbies, Charlie still is one cool dude

 Peeing on a tree- Kozak genes coming though nicely.

And maybe artistic genes of his aunts Andrea and Nowella. This is a portrait of Momma. 
Nailed the hair.

What makes Charlie most happy- Sugar.

 And another Joey happy face.

1 comment:

  1. I really, really miss you all. Thanks Steph, for all the cuddle time I had with happy Joey, who has a sly [shy] smile....:)

    Enjoyed the pictures and waiting for more.
