Monday, November 9, 2009

Charlie after dark: Mr. Casual

The calm before the storm

Hogging Zeb's favorite sunbeam

Practicing his lounge pose for "Penthouse".
hey Charlie! What are you eating?


  1. He lounges like he's been doing this professionally - I'm impressed.

    He also seems to scream like he's had some training too...and suddenly my mind harks back to the Cooper Yelling School during which all Cooper children were (apparently) taught to make their voices carry through doors, over multiple building levels. (It's something about extending the jaw if I remember correctly...) But maybe no training is necessary, and Charlie's already got it nailed...

  2. PS are we almost ready for posing with props? I think so - yessiree!

  3. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I miss Charlie already. Gido[Grumpy] said he'll take me to Calgary Dec. 1st.,to spend time with Charlie. Must brush up on my songs to sing to him. It's been along time since I exercised my lungs. Loved the picture of Charlie with his mouth open. Maybe, he's practising to sing along with me.

  4. Wicked good Gord and Steph. I can't believe how often he has mouth closed - very unKozakian. The kid looks awesomely amazing and I love the diablo outfit.

    Steph - you're awesome but, for the record, I think a poo photolog is something little C could bring in for Show and Tell multiple times during his school years.


    PS - the only thing I feel was sad to see in these photos is that Chad is looking FAR too much like Gord. The horror...
