Sunday, November 15, 2009

Out deer hunting

Steph was out Deer hunting, so I was a little too busy to keep up with the posts. She did well...harvested a couple of cute and delicious animals which are currently hanging in the garage.

down for the count

Co-ordinating blanky, nuk, and chapeau.

Looking for food. It's his best trick...rolls from side to side with his mouth moving like Pacman

Auntie Nowella scoring some one on one time while Steph was out deer hunting.

Self family took a few goes to get most of us in the shot. The self portrait is definitely easier with only two people. Please Gods, let Charlie look like the cute chick on the right... Is there a patron saint of looking like your mom?


  1. Hey dmac (& other Charlie relatives)

    Yes, your nephew is super-sweet. Oh, and (in my hands at least) very good at peeing on himself (current record: twice in one night). Now THAT'S a talent on which he could build a lifetime of amusement.

    He also snorts quite well, and seems to have significant farting capacity. (I think that might be the Kozak side...hee hee hee)

    But so, so sweet - he does this thing where he uses all facial muscles - frowning, then looking curious, then smiling. He's darling.

  2. Deloris aka Baba[Grammy]November 16, 2009 at 12:06 PM

    Really, wuth all the different visitors you had, couldn't you ask one of them to take a photo of your family. Not that the picture you took was bad, but you almost missed Charlie & Gord, you could have shaved. Lovely photos of Charlie!!!

  3. My crummy beard is coming in all I'm trying to look distinguished by not shaving.
