Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Get the Soup Ready

Joey is chunking up nicely;17lbs 8oz at his 6 month check-up (5 llbs less than Charlie at the same age). We do like his chubby arms in sleeveless rompers. Very ticklish.

Charlie creating art.

This is Charlie's Mother's Day Card from pre-school. One of his classmates said his young, pregnant mother was 52 so I feel ok being 4. Not quite sure what the 'Get the soup ready' reference is. He is giving his classmates false knowledge regarding my culinary interests.

Joey Bean... 

 I want to buy stock in Mum-mums

3 minutes prior to his poo explosion through his new suit

Attempted 6 month photo

Until next time...have to get the soup ready

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed the new photo's. You didn't have to comment on the picture before Joey's poo explosion. That one was my screen saver! Now, when I see it, I laugh, because that explains his pained expression.
