Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Some pics from my phone

Well my phone is officially out of memory, so time to organize.
Look what I found!
Sorry for the quality.  Not quite up to usual SLR standards.
This is Joey at about 8 minutes old and still a little gooey.

And 12 minutes old.
Will he have his brothers rage?

Nope.  This kid is pretty mellow.
20 minutes old.  Dada helped work out the eye cheese.

Unfortunately, he needed to get his bronze on.
He may be mellow, but he is vain.

Once release from tanning, it was time to take him home.
Charlie was pretty excited to get a new pet!

All packed up and ready to come home.

We took a pic like this with Charlie...first trip home.
Can you find the lurker in the background?

Joey did not initially amount to much.

early attempts at peek-a-boo.

Trying some early Chi-chi introduction.
Joey is indifferent to the Chi-chis
As a note, we have almost worn out a chichi.
fortunately, we stocked up and have like 14 chi-chis.

And with that Joey bids you adieu!


  1. Yeah! The blog is back. Woo hoo!

  2. Hey, what happened to my comment?? Love the photos of Joey...so tiny. In the last pic it looks like he's telling us to ##&**# and quit complaining about the lack of updates....:)

  3. Ellee is pumped the blog is back! Now she can see Charlie & Joey anytime she wants!
