Monday, December 17, 2012

Charlie's new pet!

One month ago, Charlie got a new pet!
The boys in the family wanted a puppy.
Steph wanted one of these.
We let her have her way... this time.

Introducing: Joseph Cooper Kozak
aka Joey Elmo Kozak
aka Joey Jo Jo Jr Shabadoo

He's a good little fella.
Born on Nov 17th..7"3oz.
But chubb'n up nicely...gaining an ounce a day!

Charlie likes his new pet.
They sack out together

Charlie gets to bathe him.

And give him piggy back rides.

Dada with his minions

It took 18 shots to get it right.
Most looked like the below.

Our neighbourhood is blessed.
And we are lucky to boot!
several families in the hood have 3 year old kids...
3 of Charlie's friends have siblings less than 5 months old
Below is a pile of babies.

Getting the associated 3 year olds for the same shot was impossible
3/4 of associated 3 year olds.

IF people sent more booze, I would blog more.
As mentioned several times.
We have 3000 pictures to share of Joseph and Charlie. 
I just need something to do while uploading.

1 comment:

  1. Alright, I posted comments but the verifying didn't come up, so my words are of in cyberspace.

    Love the new pictures of Joey and especially Dada with his boys. Still not sure which is Joey with his gang of buddies??? I'll guess the one with Joy on his shirt.

    Gordon, I don't push the boozing but will comply ,if it means more pictures are forthcoming....:)
