Monday, January 25, 2010

Count Chunkula and his many rolls

full on gut, mini-man-boobies and multiple chins
at this rate, he'll need a bra before shoes

Flames Hat.  If he only knew what he was cheering for.
He is also dressed all candy cane like ie Jack from the White Stripes. 
He's gonna fight them all, a seven nation army couldn't hold him back.
Also note accidental gut shot

Chill'n with his baba.

Charlie needs no one's assistance with "getting his nose"
He gets his own nose just fine.

Soon to be outgrown Ducky Snowsuit in the background

eating the "spillage" off his bib post feast.
nothing slows this guy down.  He's on a mission.

Did you all know Steph can put her entire hand in her mouth? 
Apparently it's a genetic trait.

He has gotten very vocal in the past week. 
He sings loud and sings proud.
It's as loud as his crying was but way more enjoyable.

1 comment:

  1. Roy and I, both had dreams of Charlie the night we returned home. Roy, waiting to hear him cry in the morning,and I, waiting for those smiles and loud coos he makes. I hope he misses me as much as I miss him. Nice pictures,I laughed at his facial expessions on the 1st.two and really liked the last two.XX00X's to you all!
