Saturday, December 7, 2013

Joey is one year old!

 This blog brought to you by Grumpy Gord

Joey turned one year old!
Look how cute he is!

Oh My!
Do you think there will be …..


Pretty mom putting on Joe's special bday hat
dad in undershirt gets the cake ready

mom snaps elastic onto his chubby chin

Alright. let's get this party back on track!
Everyone spitting on the cake except Joe.

Joey's just desserts.

FYI: Joe likes cake.

If you wonder why I never show pics of my nephews…here is why.

1 comment:

  1. Good post Gordon! You captured Charlie's and Ellee's expressions exactly. Your face as well....:(

    I laughed [and shouldn't have] at the picture of Steph snapping the elastic on Joey...poor Joseph.

    Joey takes after his brother and Baba, regarding cake. In our defense, what's not to like??? Cake is good!
