Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Germy Kids

 I'm a big fan of the hooded towel- only wish they would make them adult sized.

For anyone who wonders why pre-schoolers are always snotty, I present Exhibit A; Charlie preparing his toothbrush to share with Ellee

And where were those hands just minutes prior?

And then they hang out with other germy kids and share toys (this is Charlie at his Little Athlete class)

So, enough of Charlie. Mr. Smiley wants some attention.

Ok, back to Charlie. He can now draw people (faces with stick limbs protruding). This one is Joey.

Can you see the resemblance?

He's not always smiling- this is Grumpy Joe

And a last few of bedtime preparation. FYI next post will give the updates on Joey's weight. Will he beat Charlie's greatness at 4 months (18lbs 12 oz?)

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post Steph. I agree 100% on the adult hooded towel. I actually looked around for an adult wrap where I could slip my arms through and not have it fall to the floor with every step. Go figure!

    Love Joey smiling and Charlie drawing Joey. Cute, cute boys.
