Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Smiles and more

We are getting some pretty cute smiles out of Joey. Even though he has a horrible barking cough thanks to Typhoid Charlie

He looks a lot like Charlie did in these photos- a slightly smaller less ragey Charlie

He had his two month vaccines this week- the calm before the storm

And growing well- weighing in at 11lbs 8oz. Charlie was 13 lbs 8oz at the same stage

Looking soooo mature

Not as mature as Charlie. And we wonder why poor Joey gets sick when finger are in any available orfice at any time. Gross.


  1. Thanks for the photo's of Joey, Charlie picking his nose...not so much...:)

  2. Love Joey in his plaid outfit! So grown up, what a cutie. We got boogie issues over here too!

  3. That little Joey is so handsome.
