Monday, December 24, 2012

Coopzak Shots

It is hard to type with a sleeping baby in your arms. Even harder with a 41 lb Charlie AND a sleeping baby in your arms. Because Charlie believes it is HIS computer, HIS IPAD/IPOD and IPHONE, and thus available to him at any time to watch music videos (Call Me Maybe and Gagnam Style get old really fast) and that spoiled brat Caillou. Caillou needs some Gordon-style discipline...yes he does. 

So, some recent Coopzak shots as we approach Christmas. Charlie seems to think Santa would prefer milk to beer. With that gut? I don't think so....

1 comment:

  1. Waaaaa...I miss you all already!! Had wonderful cuddling time with Joey and some one-on- one time with Charlie. See if he remembers "criss-cross apple sauce, spiders crawling up your back......

    Nice photo's and good post Steph.

    Did you give me some new pictures of the boys??
