Saturday, March 6, 2010

Biometric Update

So we only had one contestant for Charlie weight game and she guessed over so no prize for her (we are using Price is Right rules).

Height- 80th%ile
Head circumference- 90%ile
Weight - 97%ile

He is a mere 18lbs12oz at 4months 5days.

I have started Charlie Boot Camp-- in which I use Charlie as a weight for a series of exercises (deadlifts. shoulder presses, squats). Anyone want to join?


  1. i meant to submit an entry but after contemplating pic #2 of the post below, i decided i needed to give it some more thought. i was more up in the 25+ range anyway, but maybe it's the angle of that particular shot, (and all the other ones too). i showed them to carolynn and she thinks charlie might give ben a run for his money, poundage-wise, and at the 97th %ile I guess that would mean there are only 3 kids in a hundred who could take him eh?

    ben was 90-95, but he wasn't eating hot dogs at 4 months either.

  2. Charlie is gifted when it comes to eating.

    I figure hot dog eating will be a winter olympic sport in 16-20 years, so might as well get ahead of the training.
