Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Mr.Chas is one month old. He weighed in at 9.5lbs last Friday, and has given us tenfold that in diapers. Charlie is missing his Daddy, who is eating sushi and enjoying vending machine beer in Japan (ok and working hard as well). Sir Charlie currently enjoys eating, stroller rides, eating, staying up all night, eating and his swing/vibrating chair.

FYI- Chandra has asked if we photoshopped his nose to look bigger. No, we have not.


  1. I think that the return period is only a month, so you may be stuck with him now. Oh, and his nose is just lovely...I'm sure the rest of his face will catch up at some point.

  2. Deloris aka Baba [Grammy]December 2, 2009 at 3:39 PM

    Lovely photos of Charlie. I have a new screen saver, the one of him smiling. Good job Stephie, while the IT man is away. And Charlie's nose is just fine, it's the photographer, who angled the camera to focus on that spot. humpfff!!!!
