Sunday, November 1, 2009

Home safe and Sound

Stephie and Bert aka Charlie are home safe and sound!

Gordie Roy will be taking over editing of the blog and will be adding exciting macromedia shortly!

Steph groggily says Hi!

Charlie just loaded a diaper...plenty of THAT in the near future.

Thanks to Caroline for setting this up...and that Chris dude for setting the bar on blogginess...

1 comment:

  1. Deloris aka Baba or GrammyNovember 1, 2009 at 9:30 PM

    Thanks for the wonderful pictures of Charlie. Glad I asked you Gord if it's Charles, and you said no, Charlie. Dad came home from working the bingo, and asked for the name. I said Charlie Roy. He said "Charles". I said, no Charlie. Bert was so much easier. Hope you recuperate quickly Steph. That baby of yours did not listen to me,wishing you a fast, painless delivery. But, he definitly is worth it, right???
