Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Big Phat Update

Here are some pictures of the little fella....sorry for the delay, but we have been a little distracted.

Did you know that you cannot use symbols in a legal name in Alberta? Has to be Arabic alpha ...Therefore our first choice of the Batman symbol was turned down. How cool would that be?

He is Batman.

Charlie is definitely a creature of the night.

Charlie being introduced to his arch nemesis...

the deer.

We'll get him buddy!

Charlie going for a walk with his favorite 14 blankets. At one point I think we forgot to layer him in there. Notice he has some growing to do to fit into the hood.

El Diablo.

Name ONE other kid you know with a Halloween costume when he is only 8 hours old.

We could not get the horns to stand overall he did not look very menacing.

Actually he looks like a baby in a devil costume impersonating a squirrel.

Sport'n the cats pyjamas.

Just chill'n with his Nuky

More later!

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