Monday, November 16, 2009

belly button nugget

C-Roy's belly button nugget fell off last night!

I will post pics if the cats haven't eaten it by the time I get home....drats, I should have put it in a safer place.

His belly button hole was all gross and gooey. Even Gracie flinched. Steph thinks he may have an outie, but who could really tell with all that cheese and goo.

I told Grace and Steph I clipped it off....I didn't, but it added some heated debate around the household.

Steph and Grace won't let me clip ANYTHING.



  1. "Cheese and goo." I might have just thrown up a little in my mouth. (And sorry if I just made others a little sick...)

  2. Did you throw it out or keep it? Must admit, the whole cheese and goo thing made me feel a little sick.

  3. Deloris aka Baba- GrammyNovember 18, 2009 at 5:36 PM

    Lots of lovely photos. Enjoying them all but I still want to hold & kiss Charlie myself. A note to Steph, Gordon had an outie soooo, Charlie could definitly have one as well. Gord, what's with putting Charlie on Zebs back??? Honestly, no wonder Steph & Grace are probably watching you like hawks. That'll learn you [Gords saying & I'm just repeating it]. XXX000XX to you all.
