Sunday, November 22, 2009

All in a days work

Stepharoo was all worried that Charlie wasn't getting enough to eat.
I think the pile of diapers (in 30 hrs) and the smug look should end all worries.

Trying to feel a least a little shame.

Parenting 101: the sooner you teach your kids to pick their nose, the sooner you don't have to do it.

Look! A rare shot of Lady Katherine of Scratcherton!
One of the two pets that no one wants anymore
poor kitties.

Close up...too close even.
Nose is coming in nicely.


  1. So very cute...he really is getting much cuter every time I see him. And I was a huge fan of him cuddling up to sleep on me.

    FYI to the cat was curiously interested in sniffing my shirt, where little Charlie made a kind liquid donation post-supper. I'm not sure she's ever loved me quite this much.

  2. Love the diaper photo equal to the size of Charlie. That is impressive for 30 hours. I am pretty happy Charlie left Chad a nice wet liquid donation on Sunday a minute after I passed him off. Charlie knows when to get Uncle Chad already.

  3. I can really see the resemblence to Gord (everything above the mouth) in the third picture down. Anyone agree?

  4. More Charlie posts please!!!
