Saturday, October 31, 2009

Frrrrrrrightful little man

My first Bert sighting - and I'm happy to see he's suitably dressed for Steph's favorite holiday.

What a darling little boy - with a bit of a self-satisfied expression, no?

Yay for the Coopzaks!


  1. Deloris [Baba-Grammy]October 31, 2009 at 2:42 PM

    Ohhhhhhhhhh! What a beautiful little boy. Look at those paws on him. I'm trying to figure who he looks like but I think he's his own person. Looks may change by next week & then we'll see. Gordon, give him a hug and a couple of kisses from me. Love, Mom

  2. Those are are impressive cheeks just like his auntie dee dee.

  3. Whooooo Hooooo the Kozak genes are still in the mix. Sorry Steph. Well, one good thing, I think Levi and Nik are good looking boys:)

    See you in the next month to give that new goblin a big hug.


  4. He is super cute. He looks very happy! Congrats Gord and Steph. I can't wait to meet him. Lots of love. Andrea

  5. Congrats Steph and Gord!! He is so very precious, I can't wait to see him. You Coopzaks make cute babies!

  6. Gorgeous. I luuurve him!
