Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Holy Smokes we took no pictures!

Well Christmas has come and gone.
The Gordie has gotten fat(ter)
And somehow we only took like 4 pictures.


Chad messing up could have been a nice picture

The theme this year was Ponies.


Even Joe got Pony wear.
Poor Joe.  He just wanted some peace and quiet and a new box.
Hmmm…no matter how I tried to phrase it, it sounds dirty.
Wanted a new box to play with
Wanted to crawl around in a box
Likes to put his stuff in and out of boxes.

You people are dirty birds!

More ponies!

My smile was faked.
My Brony shirt is real.

Pony Tail Charlie.
Likes Ponies
Likes having a ponytail
Well, no grandkids out of this one!

Joe is concerned with the pony tail.
He did not care for it at all.

Charlie got one non-pony related present.


"C'mon Charlie, smile like you mean it, or we'll make pony stew"

I will dig up good pics of Joe soon…gots to be some on Steph's phone.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Euthanization err…de-heathenization of Joey Roy Kozak

I know, I know, his name is Joseph Cooper, not Joey Roy.

Charlie and Steph go bananas when I call him Joey Roy.

Joe with all his fairy godparents.
Andrea, Nowella, Levi and Niks

 Joey giving the Father Timothy the stink eye

Two monkeys watch on.

Andrea and Joe both smiling on

Gido with the two hand chewing monkeys

Joe wanted a candle too.

Great photo bomb by Nowella!

Father Timothy was chuckling because Joe kept trying to eat the anointing brush

Bath time!

Rub a dub dub, one Joe in the tub

did not care for bath time.

We can't say Joe is behaving better after his de-heathenization.

Still acts a bit savage like.

Joey is one year old!

 This blog brought to you by Grumpy Gord

Joey turned one year old!
Look how cute he is!

Oh My!
Do you think there will be …..


Pretty mom putting on Joe's special bday hat
dad in undershirt gets the cake ready

mom snaps elastic onto his chubby chin

Alright. let's get this party back on track!
Everyone spitting on the cake except Joe.

Joey's just desserts.

FYI: Joe likes cake.

If you wonder why I never show pics of my nephews…here is why.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Hmm...can't get text to work...use your imagination!

Eskimo Joe

Skating time!

One will not participate in a group photo

Turned into a wrastl'n match

Could it be?

Yeah! Supper time!

Gaga, eat your heart out.  As joe looks on.

The Dudes.  And a Gaga.

Friday, November 1, 2013


More low quality pics from my crappy applemaphone. 

Stephie Power Range Pig!

Our kids have huge heads.  Steph's is on the small side.  They can share hats.

Mighty Morphin Power Oink!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Is this thing still on?

Well it's been awhile, but here we are!
These are just some file footage from my phone.
All the good stuff is still on the camera at home.

Handsome Fellows.  Joe still likes his sucky

This is what I come home to!

At the gym

STILL likes to eat rocks

Mr. Sunshine.  Still likes to light up the joint with his big smile

Buddies.  Until Joe eats a Barbie accessory.  Then it all breaks loose.

Turkey Day Dinner.  Joe likes eating.

Swimming with Pumpkins.  I don't get it either.  There was a flock of pumpkins floating around the pool.  Chuckie decided to catch the